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Attack on Titan - Shingeki no Kyojin Wallpaper for Samsung Corby 2 480x320

Hi guys! I'm so sorry 'coz I can't make themes anymore. I can't keep up with the things that happened to my life right now and for …

Kuroko no Basuke ( Kuroko's Basketball) Wallpapers for Samsung Corby 2 480x320

Here are some Kuroko no Basuke's wallpapers optimized for Samsung Corby 2 mobile phones. I hope you all like it. Credit to the owner of the pho…

Problems Downloading Themes?

Check our  DIRECT DOWNLOAD PAGE  to get your favorite theme in our blog.  Just SKIP THE ADS to get the download link. If the theme you like is…

Instagram for Corby 2 ?

Hi! Thank God, the Instagram app is now available not only in the iPhone but also in Android phones. Well, i hope it will also be available on othe…

One Direction Themes

DOWNLOAD THIS THEME HERE---->  One Direction Themes Always SKIP THE AD to find the download link. Thanks! ONE DIRECTION THEMES BY CORBY C…

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - One Direction Themes

Hi Corby 2 users around the world. I'm glad I'll be able to post new themes again. Sometimes I really need a dose of inspiration before I c…
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