November 2011

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - Alpha Kappa Rho Theme

Here's the requested theme of Alvin Kenneth Sablan. I guess this is the only theme I can make for you now 'coz there's not much of an A…

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - Emo + Dark Themes

I'm hoping these ten (10) themes I made fits right on the description of being an emo. As far as my research went on, Emo is associated with so…

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - Granado Espada Themes

Hello Everyone! It's a new day and it's time for a new theme also. Here's Granado Espada theme especially requested by Rem. She also t…

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - Superman Themes

Do you know that there's a new Superman movie this upcoming 2012? Christopher Nolan, the one who directed The Dark Knight a few years back is a…

Samsung Corby 2 or S3850 - Fashion Themes

Hello Everyone! Here's another pink glossy fashion inspired themes I made for Monica. I changed everything from the battery bar to the rss icon…
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