30 Minutes Cooking: Chayote and Meat Soup

Are you on the tight budget? Like me I'm still a student and force to cook on my own, I'm always looking for easy recipe that will also fit on my budget. My mom always call me what did we cook for today and it's part of the "just checking us out" routine. Here's one recipe I know and we usually call this kind of recipe the "Lutcham Cooking" which means Lucky Cooking from the Tagalog word Lutong Chamba. I love eating veggies but I can't cook veggies without mixing it with meat because my sister won't eat that much. My no. 1 fan in my cooking is my boyfriend. Let me share you the secret of my cooking. All you need to do is to serve it on the time when they're really really hungry (Lol!). People can't complain anymore when they're really hungry. They will just eat everything that is served on the table. Nah! Just kidding but it's working for me.   


1/8 kilo of lean ground pork (good for 3 persons)
5 tbsp. of cooking oil
4 cloves of garlic
1 Knorr cube (Vegetable Flavor)
3 to 5 cups of water
1 tsp. of Ajinomoto Ginisa Mix (for added taste)
1 whole Chayote cut in thin strips


Step 1:  Heat the pan and pour cooking oil then fry the cloves of garlic. Wait until brownish in color.

Step 2: Fry the lean ground pork together with the garlic until meat turns brown (an indication it's already cooked). Don't forget to sprinkle a teasepoon of AjiGinisa on your meat.

Step 3: Put the thin strips of Chayote on the pan and mix it with the meat. Cook it for 1 minute.

Step 4 : Pour 3 to 5 cups of water on the meat and Chayote. You can put more water as desired if you want to serve more soup.

Step 4: When the soup is boiling put your 1 cube of Knorr vegetable flavor bouillon  and stir. Make sure the bouillon is completely dissolve. Test the soup if the saltiness is according to your decide taste. If you think it lacks a little bit of salt, sprinkle a little bit of Ajinomoto Ginisa on the soup until desired saltiness acquired.

Step 5. Wait for a couple of 5 minutes  and check if the Chayote is already cooked. When you feel like the Chayote is soft when chewed then it's ready to be served. That's it! As easy as your ABC.

1/8 kilo of lean ground pork cost around 38 pesos and 2 packs of Chayote at SM Supermarket only cost 15 pesos or less. The ingredients are really cheap, easy to cook and less cooking time. If you've tried cooking this please tell me. I will post a photo of this recipe as soon as I'm able to cook it again. We just cooked it the other day and I can't cook it again or else someone will report me to the repeater department (Lol).

I admit I'm not an expert cook but I will assure you this recipe is pretty yummy. 

About the Author

Mom of 3 Furry Babies. Their names are Chi,Panther and Taigah. My life revolves around the internet and my passions are Photography and Fashion. I also love watching movies and cook simple foods.

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