How To Cook Afritada in 30 Minutes

Estimated read time: 3 min
Recently I discovered a new and easy way to cook your favorite Filipino dish -- Afritada. I've been cooking it for the last few months now and I'm sure you will also love this. Actually, I'm not a good cook but my boyfriend keep on challenging me that he's a better cook than me and I don't want him to just win easily. I'm kinda' competitive when it comes to him. We compete a lot and maybe that's what makes our relationship unique and chaotic. My sister even told us that were both like belligerent countries who always throw each other a bomb. In  other words our relationship is hostile -- openly opposed to each other's opinion. I don't know how we did this but even in this kind of environment we somehow find peace (Lol). Back to our main topic I will divulge to you now what's my secret ingredient in this recipe. In just 30 minutes you'll be able to cook Afritada. Your time starts now!


1/8 kilo of lean ground pork or 1/4 kilo of menudo cut pork (1/8 kl. of lean ground pork is good for 3 persons while 1/4 kl. of menudo cut pork will be good for 4 persons)
5 tbsp. oil
1 big potato diced
1 big carrots diced
1 pc. of red bell pepper sliced lengthwise
4 cloves of crushed garlic
1/2 slice of onion bulb chopped thinly
1/8  kilo of shrimp (unshelled)
1 pack of Afritada mix by Knorr 


Step 1: Heat the pan and pour 5 tbsp. of cooking oil and fry the onions and garlic together wait until color turns light brown.

Step 2: Put the lean ground pork or the menudo cut pork in the pan together with the onion and garlic and fry until cooked which you will notice the meat will turned dark brown. While waiting for the meat to be cooked, open 1 pack of Afritada Mix by Knorr and combined the contents of the pack with 1 and 1/2 tasa of water.

Step 3: When the meat turned dark brown it's an indication that the meat is already cooked then pour your 1 and 1/2 tasa Afritada mix you've set aside into the pan.

Step 4 : Wait for it to boil then you're now ready to put the carrots and potato together with the meat and sauce. Don't forget to stir them or else the sauce will thicken fast before your carrots and potato soften.

Step 5:  When the carrots and potato is slightly soften put the red bell pepper and the unshelled shrimp after.

Step 6 : Check if the carrots are already soft and you're shrimp turns brightest orange. When you see this result, it means it's now ready to be served. That's all folks! 

I will soon post a photo of this recipe as soon as I'll cook it again. I recommend lean ground pork if you want to cook it faster and it's easy to chew. If you're using menudo cut pork it will take a little time to soften the meat. Lean ground pork is cheaper also compared to menudo cut. You can also use chicken if you don't eat pork.Just my two cents. Happy Cooking!!!

About the Author

Mom of 3 Furry Babies. Their names are Chi,Panther and Taigah. My life revolves around the internet and my passions are Photography and Fashion. I also love watching movies and cook simple foods.

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